Here is a series of talks I have animated in several events worldwide.
Microsoft Ignite The Tour Paris
“Enabling Technology in Education: The key to Building inclusive communities in tech”

After my double participation in Microsoft Ignite 2018 and 2019, I was invited to participate in Microsoft Ignite The Tour, a series of free-to-attend events targeting 30 cities around the world, to help developers and businesses to evolve their skills, deepen their expertise, and prepare them to face tomorrow’s challenges. Under the “Humans of IT” topics, I gave a talk to support, inspire, and encourage the IT community in supporting the future generations of IT Pros. I have showcased some ways of enabling technology in higher education to empower students and prepare them for professional careers in tech. As an assistant professor, I always believed that, to build an inclusive environment in tech, we need to first educate students – our future IT Pros – about how they can use tech for good. For this reason, it is valuable to instill an inclusion-focused mindset at the education stage before even opening doors to professional life. From an undeserved community in Algeria to Silicon Valley, I insisted on sharing about my experience participating in global exchange programs that allowed me to be more engaged in transforming the education sector and creating opportunities for women and youths in my community. Through my talk, I want to give the audience a chance to rethink their differences and leverage them as keys to positively distinguishing themselves in their career.
Microsoft Ignite 2019
How volunteering and mentorship pays more than your regular job

Closing the Skills Gap – A Panel Discussion

For a second time in a row, I have been selected by International Institute of Education as a Techwomen alumnae to attend Microsoft Ignite, the busiest event open to the public. I have been invited to speak in a theater session and also to be a panelist in an open discussion. My talk stressed about the importance of volunteering where I shared some of my experience and explained how to readapt our daily activities to meet our objectives, while offering help and support to many others.
Microsoft Ignite 2018
Stories from North Africa – From Engineers to Educators: A Day in the Life of Women in Technology

I was selected by International Institute of Education as Techwomen alumnae to attend Microsoft Ignite 2018, the busiest event open to the public. In addition to the Techwomen grant, Microsoft has invited me to speak within the Diversity and Tech community, a new platform included within MS Ignite. I had the opportunity to co-present in the same theater session with Noura Ghali Berzouga, Techwomen alumnae from Tunisia. We shared our experience and demonstrated what a daily, yet exceptional, life of a woman in Tech in North Africa looks like. As an assistant professor in computer science, I explained how education (part of my job) can contribute to raise awareness among the young generation (mainly girls) to follow STEM fields. I believe that sharing my experience has allowed a great audience to know something new to their culture and perception.
TiziHack Webinar
Enabling IoT for socio-economic applications: opportunities and challenges

TiziHack is a three-days hackathon stresses on how to enable emerging technologies to solve entrepreneurial challenges related to tourism, craft arts, and ecology. A series of webinars were organized before the onsite event to introduce students/contestants to a range of key competencies they need during the hackathon, such as IoT, block chain, and artificial intelligence. I have animated a webinar entitled “Enabling the Internet of Things for socio-economic applications”.
WikiStage El Oued
Rethinking Entrepreneurship

WikiStage is a global community of people who believe that individuals who speak up can inspire positive change in the world. Voices in WikiStage can contribute to a world where peace, solidarity, democracy, human rights and the protection of our planet become a reality. In its edition WikiStage El Oued 2018, I was delighted to be invited to speak about the event’s theme, “Rethinking Entrepreneurship”. My presentation focused on lessons learned about entrepreneurship along my professional and personal experiences. Even with a job in higher education in a public sector, I demonstrated how entrepreneurial spirit could help to thrive. Speaking at WikiStage El Oued was more than just an additional talk on my list. Not only was the event launched by local youth that aimed to make a positive impact on the Sufi community, but also I felt so proud to give back to my southern region considered as underestimated where youth still needs opportunities to be supported and inspired.
Imtiyaz Day
“Studying Abroad, Research and Academia”

Imtiyaz is a program that aims to empower students and prepare them to the professional world that they will be facing after graduation. The program has many activities including conferences and mentoring sessions where professionals come to talk about their careers and provide advice about how to successfully land in such careers. The first activity of Imtiyaz program was “Imtiyaz Day” held on 21 April 2018 in Algiers (Algeria). I was honored to be invited as a panelist to speak about the topic “Studying Abroad, Research and Academia”. The picture however, reflects a “unattended” mentoring session where I shared more tips with the students during the coffee break.
Talks for Brains
“L’informatique et la medecine, quel avenir!”

“Talks For Brains” is a big event organised by MEDSA Al Jazair who that brought together people from a range of disciplines to show how medicine can benefit from diverse fields, including computer science, architecture and design. I was invited to give a presentation about how computer science can enhance medical research, particularly in emergency situations. Besides sharing the great efforts researchers in computer science are doing to tackle health challenges, I was pleased to know more about how important to consider other disciplines in designing robust solutions.
San Jose State University

Carnegie Mellon
